Gender Specialist Resume Samples

The role of a Gender Specialist is to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment across various sectors. Usual duties applicable to the job role are described on the Gender Specialist Resume as – identifying disparities and inequalities, developing strategies and policies to address gender-related issues, implementing programs and initiatives to promote gender mainstreaming and women’s rights, and collaborating with government agencies, and NGO’s to advocate for gender-sensitive approaches in development projects, and policy formation.

To excel in this role, the following skills are required – a deep understanding of gender theories, concepts, and methodologies, and strong analytical and research skills to assess gender-related issues and develop evidence-based interventions. Cultural sensitivity and empathy are essential for understanding the unique challenges faced by different groups. A bachelor’s or master’s degree in gender studies, women’s studies, sociology, or international development is typically required.


Gender Specialist Resume example

Gender Specialist Resume

Objective : As a Gender Specialist supporting the development of a landmark United Nations Report on Equal Opportunity for Women in the Defence Sector.

Skills : Gender Analysis, Gender Mainstreaming, Policy Advocacy

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Description :

  1. Supported a high-level event to launch the United Nations Report on Equal Opportunity for Women in the Defence Sector.
  2. Supported the development of and reporting on the SSR indicators on Women, Peace, and Security (WPS).
  3. Supported MIGA and its Gender Team in its corporate, client engagement, and partnership activities.
  4. Supported MIGA's client engagement by delivering high-impact gender interventions for clients through the design of impactful Gender Action Plans (GAPs).
  5. Consulted directly with clients on their business and gender activities and undertook gender gap analysis at the sector-country level.
  6. Conducted gender analysis to identify barriers to gender equality in various sectors.
  7. Provided technical assistance to organizations in developing gender-responsive budgets.
Years of Experience
0-2 Years
Experience Level
Entry Level
BA in Anthropology

Senior Gender Specialist Resume

Summary : As a Senior Gender Specialist responsible for identifying client actions to narrow gender gaps and identify indicators to measure client/project impact over time.

Skills : Project Management, Research and Analysis, Monitoring and Evaluation

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Description :

  1. Collaborated with the MIGA operations team on inputs to relevant project documentation during the due diligence and underwriting process.
  2. Supported day-to-day activities to develop client engagement capabilities on a range of gender-related themes, including climate resiliency.
  3. Provided support for ad hoc activities related to the operationalization of the WBG Gender Strategy.
  4. Worked in a multicultural environment in an international setting to influence and work constructively across teams to find effective solutions.
  5. Provided quality assurance to ensure corporate alignment with global gender equality policies, including system-wide frameworks and corporate accountability and reporting mechanisms (GSIC, IWP, ROAR).
  6. Provided advice and technical support for the design of global and regional policy initiatives to advance gender equality and women's empowerment, ensuring perspectives from different country contexts are represented.
Years of Experience
7-10 Years
Experience Level
BA in Human Rights

Gender Specialist Resume

Summary : As a Gender Specialist responsible for identifying and supporting opportunities for cross-regional collaboration, including through the design and resource mobilization for new initiatives/proposals.

Skills : Capacity Building, Communication Skills, Advocacy, Program evaluation

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Description :

  1. Provided substantive technical support to ensure the integration of gender equality within each thematic portfolio of the RBA regional hub including the RBA regional program, and other regional flagship initiatives such as regional reports and events.
  2. Contributed to the implementation of corporate standards and flagship programs such as the Gender Equality Seal, and comprehensive portfolio reviews.
  3. Contributed to strengthening the capacity of the Regional Hub for the development and update of regional gender analysis to identify opportunities and anticipate future challenges.
  4. Supported the development of a network of gender experts, especially feminist economists and experts on gender and nature, climate, and energy, to provide additional on-call support to CO and regional teams.
  5. Conducted gender analysis to inform policy development and program design.
  6. Developed and implemented gender-sensitive training programs for staff and stakeholders.
  7. Collaborated with local communities to promote women's empowerment initiatives.
Years of Experience
10+ Years
Experience Level
Cultural Studies

Gender Specialist Resume

Headline : As a Gender Specialist responsible for providing substantive advice and support to strengthen strategic partnerships with UN entities (particularly UN Women but also other specialized UN organizations with complementary skills and capacity), to improve interagency coordination and maximize impact on gender equality and womens empowerment.

Skills : Stakeholder Engagement, Conflict Resolution, Cultural Sensitivity

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Description :

  1. Provided substantive advice and support to strengthen strategic partnerships with governments, civil society (particularly womens organizations), and businesses.
  2. Collaborated with the Gender Equality Team Leader in the pursuit of new partnerships to bring innovation, and change and influence social norms, behaviors, and power relations.
  3. Provided advice and technical support resources for mobilization efforts, to strengthen UNDPs regional and country office portfolios and results in gender equality.
  4. Identified funding opportunities, supporting the preparation of funding proposals, and donor briefings.
  5. Provided advice and technical support to implement the RBA Regional Gender Equality StrategyAction Plan, including allocation of internal resources and external resource mobilization.
  6. Engaged and proactively participated in the RBA regional network or Gender Community of Practice composed of gender specialists and colleagues leading and implementing GEWE portfolios in country offices.
  7. Supported the identification of priorities and needs, the coordination of periodic meetings, and the co-creation and sense of ownership across the network.
Years of Experience
5-7 Years
Experience Level
BS in Psychology

Gender Specialist Resume

Objective : As a Gender Specialist responsible for providing substantive advice and technical support to the development and implementation of a capacity development/ learning plan on gender equality for regional and Country Office levels.

Skills : Social Inclusion Strategies, Public Speaking, Data collection, Statistical analysis

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Description :

  1. Collaborated with Country Offices and Innovation Labs across the region to foster innovation to advance gender equality in UNDP programming.
  2. Facilitated RBA knowledge management for gender equality aligned to the new global Knowledge Management Strategy and Framework for Action.
  3. Provided technical support for the integration of social and gender aspects in urban projects.
  4. Conducted gender analysis for envisaged projects financed by the Cities Alliance.
  5. Developed necessary methods and tools, such as guidelines for specific processes and the work of different parts of Cities Alliance's work program.
  6. Reviewed and supported the development of gender-sensitive project proposals.
  7. Ensured regional participation in globalregional learning initiatives such as learning labs andor mentorship programs.
Years of Experience
2-5 Years
Experience Level
BA in Cultural Studies

Gender Specialist Resume

Objective : As a Gender Specialist responsible for supporting the integration of social inclusion aspects, including community engagement and adequate participation of vulnerable groups.

Skills : Policy Development, Human Rights Knowledge, Data Analysis, Program evaluation

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Description :

  1. Conducted, evaluated, and reported on social and gender audits.
  2. Participated in and provided cross-support to field missions, if required.
  3. Contributed to the identification and capturing of best practices and lessons learned on social and gender equality.
  4. Developed action plans to incorporate gender aspects in ongoing projects.
  5. Supported the organization of training activities for the project teams and partners to develop their capacities in the area of gender equality and women's empowerment.
  6. Supported the development and delivery of workshops on gender-related concepts, policies, or sectoral issues to develop knowledge and ownership of gender issues.
  7. Supported the design and implementation of capacity-building activities concerning gender inclusion and women empowerment in cities for project staff suppliers communities as appropriate.
Years of Experience
0-2 Years
Experience Level
BA in Sociology

Gender Specialist Resume

Headline : As a Gender Specialist responsible for providing advice to task managers on gender and social inclusion aspects. Facilitating and supporting knowledge management and exchange of best practices across the region and globally.

Skills : Report Writing, Interpersonal Skills, Policy development, Gender mainstreaming

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Description :

  1. Supported the development of communication products (campaigns, videos, brochures, and infographics) related to women empowerment and gender inclusion aspects.
  2. Drafted blogs and new pieces for the Cities Alliance website.
  3. Supported the organization of online events on gender equality and women empowerment in cities (drafting concept notes, invitation lists, and programs).
  4. Supported senior program colleagues and management of the Country Office to advance one or more of the four Targeted Gender Priorities in the Gender Action Plan with support from the Regional Gender Adviser.
  5. Worked with one or more of the 7 UNICEF sectors to mainstream gender by prioritizing key gender results within the sector(s) with a strong gender relevance.
  6. Led cross-sectional collaboration and coordination on key programmatic results on gender, ensuring coherence, maximization of synergies, and efficiency in the utilization of resources and delivery of results.
  7. Worked with program colleagues and management so that gender results are effectively defined, measured, and reported, and high-quality assessment, research, evidence generation, and evaluation on gender programming is undertaken and utilized, including through the applications.
Years of Experience
5-7 Years
Experience Level
BS in Sociology

Gender Specialist Resume

Headline : As a Gender Specialist responsible for supporting effective review, assessment, planning, capacity building, and knowledge management on gender. Supporting the assessment and identification of gender needs for emergency preparedness and response.

Skills : Program Design, Advocacy Campaigns, Gender Equality Knowledge

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Description :

  1. Provided gender-relevant guidance and technical input on emergency programming.
  2. Actively participated in Country Management Team (CMT), Program Coordination Team, partnerships, research, financial and contract review committees, and other key country-specific leadership teams to ensure strategic inclusion of gender in all country-specific programming.
  3. Coordinated with the Regional Gender Advisors and the Headquarters Gender Section to plan.
  4. Utilized, monitored, and reported on the Gender Thematic Fund, or other programmatic funds with large gender components that were allocated to the country-specific interventions for the Country Program, under the Country Office senior management.
  5. Led the gender component of the reporting of the routine country-level program expenditures, including the annual reporting and the RAM.
  6. Provided technical input and review on the gender components in key funding proposal appeals and submissions and in the design of funded project programs so that gender technical components are clearly defined, and technical capacities are included.
  7. Facilitated focus group discussions to gather insights on gender-related challenges.
Years of Experience
5-7 Years
Experience Level
BA in Human Rights

Gender Specialist Resume

Summary : As a Gender Specialist responsible for leading and supporting the evidence-based program planning on gender, incorporating robust measurement and evaluation of results especially in the event of the Country Programme development and Mid-Term Review.

Skills : Legal Frameworks Understanding, Partnership Development, Conflict resolution, Project management

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Description :

  1. Provided technical leadership on the integration of gender into country programming phases, including strategic planning, SitAns, strategic moments of reflection, CPDs, CPMPs, and mid-term reviews.
  2. Responsible for doing extended annual reviews, program component strategy notes, the programmatic assessment, and institutional strengthening components of gender reviews
  3. Identified the areas of focus for gender programming with the greatest potential for impact and scale, in alignment with the GAP and the regional priorities.
  4. Worked with sectoral counterparts to incorporate sound gender indicators and measures in program and policy initiatives, proposals, and advocacy efforts.
  5. Assisted in developing gender-sensitive theories of change models for the sector and cross-sectoral programming in alignment with the framework.
  6. Provided technical support in indicator identification, measurement, and performance tracking as it relates to gender mainstreaming and the Targeted Gender Priorities, in collaboration with Planning, ME, and planning section and sectoral teams.
  7. Provided technical support and advocacy to reporting and follow-up on international and regional gender equality commitments made by the countries.
Years of Experience
10+ Years
Experience Level
BA in Women's Studies

Gender Specialist Resume

Objective : As a Gender Specialist responsible for supporting the strengthening of data systems and collection, as well as accountability mechanisms to monitor and evaluate progress on gender results.

Skills : Negotiation Skills, Resource Mobilization, Ethical Judgment

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Description :

  1. Supported high-quality reporting on gender results and a biannual performance review of GAP-specified results.
  2. Worked closely with evaluation colleagues to effectively integrate data collection, tracking, and analysis.
  3. Reported the indicators for the GAP into program results and gender performance benchmarks into ME systems.
  4. Supported and strengthened the quality of research and evidence-building on gender-related programming, bringing in the latest learning and insights from the field of gender and development, and putting in place a coherent, well-prioritized research agenda in alignment with the GAP.
  5. Oversaw the planning and implementation of the gender reviews and made sure that the recommendations that came out of the gender review were integrated into the Country Programme strategy and action plans and humanitarian strategies and action plans in emergency contexts.
  6. Provided technical support and guidance to the national government, NGOs, UN Agencies, and other country-level and local-level partners on aspects of gender programming.
  7. Ensured incorporation of gender indicators and measures in programsprojects, policy initiatives, proposals, and ME systems.
Years of Experience
2-5 Years
Experience Level
BA in Anthropology